
Stefanie Reuter

Stefanie Reuter is a software engineer in the Cambridge Open Zettascale Lab. Her current focus is on system benchmarking, IO and data streaming. Stefanie has an interdisciplinary double-degree from the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU) and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm with a focus on High Performance Computing and Applied Mathematics. As part of her role in Cambridge and as a volunteer in the Research Software Engineering community she has been involved in organising and speaking at several workshops and seminar series’ ranging from organising institutional seminar talks to being part of the committee for a regional RSE workshop with a focus on sustainability and reproducibility. But also as a lecturer at OneAPI SYCL and OpenMP offload workshops and conference tutorials, e.g. Adios IO and data streaming tutorials with collaboration partners from the US.

Talks at this conference:
 14:00 Welcome and Introduction ! Live
 17:25 Panel Discussion ! Live
